Throughout history and still today, people have wrestled with the aesthetics of form. Jewelry is more often than not evaluated on a purely aesthetic basis, and its purpose is first and foremost to embellish and adorn. But is it right to measure the beauty of an object solely on the basis of its texture and form? Our aesthetic judgment is also determined by subjective factors. Individual taste is shaped collectively with others and by the knowledge, education, or experience of the individual in question. This exhibition and collaboration with the Shed casts light on the connection between the aesthetics of form and the history of the nation.
Erling Jóhannesson, goldsmith
Form sem eru kunnugleg og vísa til reynslu okkar verða oft merkingarhlaðin og öðlast einskonar innri fegurð. Sú fegurð getur verið byggð á sameiginlegri reynslu okkar eða upplifun hvers og eins.
Með þessari sýningu og samstarfi við Menningarhúsið Skúrinn, er varpað ljósi á sambandið milli fagurfræði formsins og sögu þjóðar.