Now / Then – Gallery Under the Bridge
The National Theater – The Submarine
National Theter – Beginning
The Angel – The National Theater (director Finnur Arnar)
Tikk Takk – Gallery Skothús
Shakespeare in Love-The National Theater
Landscape – Mokkacafe

Miracle in sculpture land
Slá í gegn – The National Theater
Finnur Arnar
Finnur Arnar studied at the Icelandic School of Arts and Crafts, beginning in sculpture but switched to mixed media, graduating in 1991. Has held private exhibitions as well as with groups both in Iceland and abroad. Has also worked freelance as a stage designer since 1996 for all the major theaters in Iceland. Organized exhibitions for municipalities, institutions and companies.
CV – Finnur Arnar
Finnur Arnar
Born in Reykjavík in 1965. Studied at the Icelandic School of Arts and Crafts, beginning in sculpture but switched to mixed media, graduating in 1991. Has held private exhibitions as well as with groups both in Iceland and abroad. Has worked freelance as a stage designer since 1996 for all the major theaters in Iceland.
VISUAL ART - Privat exhibitions
- 2019 Gallerý Skothús
- 2016 Artzine Gallery
- 2015 The Videowall – Aðalstræti,
- 2014 Duushús-Cultural Center of Reykjanesbær.
- 2013 Akureyri Municipal Museum, Akureyri
- 2012 The Herring Factory Hrafnseyri
- 2011 Neskirkja church
- 2007 Gallery Nordlys, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 2007 Next bar, Reykjavik
- 2006 Gallery Populus Tremola, Akureyri
- 2006 Gallery Bananananas
- 2006 Gallery +, Akureyri
- 2005 Gallery 21, Malmö, Sweden
- 2005 Epal-húsagnaverslun, Reykjavík
- 2005 I8 Gallery, Reykjavík
- 2004 Reykjavík Art museum, Hafnarhús
- 2004 Safn “Museum”, Reykjavík
- 2003 02 gallery, Akureyri
- 2003 12 tónar, Reykjavík
- 2003 The Living Art Museum, Reykjavík
- 2001 The Living Art Museum, Reykjavík
- 1999 12 tónar, Reykjavík
- 1998 The Living Art Museum, Reykjavík
- 1997 Gallery Show space – The Button ( A traveling gallery)
- 1996 The Living Art Museum, Reykjavík
- 1996 Gallery Show space – (A telephone answering machine)
- 1993 Mokka Café, Reykjavík
Group exhibitions
2017 Bout – four bouts of video works, Reykjavík Art museum, Hafnarhús- 2017 Normality is the new Avant-Garden, Kópavogur Art Museum – Gerðarsafn
- 2016 KINGDOM – Flora, Fauna, Fable, Reykjavík Art museum, Hafnarhús
- 2015 Reykjavík Stories, Quartair gallery, Den Haag
- 2015 “Men”, The Hafnarfjörður Centre of Culture and Fine Art
- 2014 “Óskastígur”, Reykjavík
- 2011 ” Æringur”, Family exhibition in Bolungavik
- 2010 “Þar spretta laukar”, Family exhibition in ASI Art Museum
- 2010 “Finnur Keli Kristján”, The Herring Factory at Hjalteyri
- 2010 Dieter Roth akademie, The Factory at Hjalteyri
- 2009 “Fokhelt”, Breiðakur 17-19, Garðabaer
- 2009 “In Deep Water”, The Hafnarfjörður Centre of Culture and Fine Art
- 2009 “Rhyme” – Works by Ásmundur Sveinsson and contemporary artists
Reykjavík Art museum, Asmundarsafn - 2008 “Silence”, Reykjavík Art museum, Hafnarhús
- 2007 “Images of Technology”, 12th edition Netfilmmakers Kopenhafn, Denmark
- 2007 “Sequences”, Real time art festival, Reykjavík Art museum, Hafnarhús
- 2007 “Angur:blíða”, Skaftfell – Center for Visual Art, Seyðisfjörður
- 2006 CIA gallery, Xiamen, China
- 2006 Gallery Sud-sudvestur, Keflavik
- 2006 “Far:angur”, Gallery BOX, Akureyri
- 2004 “New Icelandic art” The National Museum
- 2003 “Ferðafuða” The Reykjavík Municipal Museum, Kjarvalsstaðir
- 2003 “Ideologia II” Nordic Bienal of Contemporary Art, Alingsas museum, Sweden
- 2001 “Ideologia I” Nordic Bienal of Contemporary Art, Röda Sten, Gotaborg, Sweden
- 2000 “Orgasm 2000” Akureyri Municipal Museum, Akureyri
- 1999 “Pictures at an exhibition”, Egilstaðir
- 1999 “Sampling” Ronald Feldman fine arts, New York, USA
- 1998 “Flögð og fögur skinn” The Living Art Museum, Reykjavík
- 1997 “Art for Icelanders” Hafnarhúsið-gallery, Reykjavík
- 1997 “Coffee shop-tales”, Sólon íslandus-café, Reykjavík
- 1997 “Harvest”, The Forestry Center, Akureyri,
- 1997 “Open exhibition”, Living Art Museum, Reykjavík
- 1996 “Tukt”, Reykjavík
- 1996 “8 Dwarfs”, Akureyri
- 1996 Cultural Center of Grindavík
- 1995 Gallery Neptune, Rotterdam, Holland
- 1995 “Einskonar hversdagsrómantík” The Reykjavík Municipal Museum, Kjarvalsstaðir
- 1995 Celebration of the Arts, Akureyri
- 1994 “Outlawed”, 50th anniversary of the Icelandic Republic, London, England
- 1993 “11 Artists” , Living Art Museum, Reykjavík
- 1992 “Before-after”, an outdoor installation
- 1992 Halldór Laxness-festival in the National Theatre
- 1992 “Posters” an outdoor installation
- Works in public collections
Reykjavík University
The University of Iceland
The National Gallery of Iceland
The Reykjavík Municipal Museum
Stipends and commissions- 2014 One year Artist’s Salary Fund
1999 Artist’s Salary Fund, Travel grant
2006 month Artist’s Salary Fund
2003 One year Visual Artist’s Salary Fund
2005 6 month Artist’s Salary Fund
2006 One year Visual Artist’s Salary Fund - 2011 Náttúruverndarsjóður Pálma Jónssonar
- 2012 6 month Artist’s Salary Fund
- 2014 One year Visual Artist’s Salary Fund
- Stage Design
- 2021 The National Theater / The Submarine by Gunnar Eiríksson
- 2020 The National Theater / Upphaf byr David Eldridge
2019 The National Theater / The Angel, by Finnur Arnar plays based on Þorvaldur Þorsteinssons text. - 2019 The National Theater / Shakespeare in love by Marc Norman og Tom Stoppard
- 2018 The National Theater / Ronja by Astrid Lindgren
- 2018 The National Theater / Slá í gegn by Gudjón Davíd Karlsson
- 2017 The Ocean by Ólafur Haukur Símonarson
- 2017 The National Theater / Faraway Land by Gudjón Davíd Karlsson
- 2016 The National Theater / A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman
- 2016 Tjarnarbíó / Old Bessastaðir by Salka Guðmundsdóttur
- 2014 The National Theater / “Karítas” by Kristín María Baldursdóttir
- 2014 The Reykjavík Municipal Theatre / “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night- Time” by Mark Haddon
- 2013 The National Theater / “Maður að mínu skapi” by Bragi Ólafsson
- 2013 The National Theater / “Jerusalem” by Jez Butterworth
- 2012 The National Theater / “Jónsmessunótt by Hávar Sigurjónsson
- 2012 The National Theater / “Les Miserables” by Viktor Hugo
- 2011 The National Theatre / “Hedda Gabler” by Henrik Ibsen
- 2011 The Reykjavík Municipal Theatre / “The Grandfather” by Bjarni Haukur
- 2010 The National Theater of Faroe Islands / “The Cherry Orchard” by Anton Tjekhov
- 2010 The National Theatre / “Íslandsklukkan” by Halldór Laxness
- 2010 The Akureyri Theatre: / “39.steps” by Patrick Barlow
- 2009 The Reykjavík Municipal Theatre / “Rautt brennur” by Heidar Sumarlidason
- 2009 The Akureyri Theatre / “Falið fylgi” by Bjarni Jónsson
- 2008 The National Theatre / “Sumarljós” by Jón Kalman.
- 2008 The Iceladic Opera / “Janis 27” by Ólafur Haukur Símonarson
- 2008 The Malmö Dramtiska Theater / “The Tempest” by Shakespere
- 2008 The Hafnarfjörður Theatre / “Halla og Kári” by Hávar Sigurjónsson
- 2007 The Akureyri Theatre / “Óvitar” by Guðrún Helgadóttur
- 2003 The National Theatre / “Pabbastrákur” by Hávar Sigurjónsson.
- 2003 The Reykjavík Municipal Theatre / “Sól og Máni”
- 2002 The Hafnarfjörður Theatre / “The saga of Grettir Ásmundarson”
- 2002 The Reykjavík Municipal Theatre / “Kryddlegin Hjörtu” by Lauru Esquivel
- 2002 The Icelandic School of Drama / “Íslands Þúsund tár” by Elísabet Jökulsdóttir
- 2001 The National Theater / “Cyrano De Bergerac” by Edmond Rostand
- 2001 The Hafnarfjörður Theatre / “Englabörn” by Hávar Sigurjónsson
- 2001 The Hafnarfjörður Theatre / “Platonov” by Chekov
- 2001 The Iceladic Opera / “La Boheme”
- 2000 The Hafnarfjörður Theatre / “The Idiots” by Ólafur Haukur Símonarson.
- 1999 The Hafnarfjörður Theatre / “Salka Valka” by Halldór Laxness ,
adabtion by Hilmar Jónsson and Finnur Arnar. - 1999 The Reykjavík Municipal Theatre / “An Accidental Death of an Anarchistby ” by Dario Fo.
- 1998 Abo Svenska Teatern, in Turku, Finnland / “Heaven” by Árni Ibsen.
- 1998 Hafnarfjörður Theatre / “Father and son” by Þorvaldur Þorsteinsson.
- 1998 The Hafnarfjörður Theatre / “The Last Farm in the Valley” by Loftur Gudmundsson.
1998 Herranótt / “Spring Awakening” by Frank Wedekind.
1998 The Icelandic School of Drama / “En Uppstoppad hund” by Staffan Göete - 1997 The Akureyri Theatre / “Vefarinn mikli frá Kasmír” by Halldór Laxness.
1997 The Hafnarfjörður Theatre / “Að Eilífu” by Árni Ibsen.
1997 The Reykjavík Municipal Theatre / “The Wizard of Oz”. - 1996 Hafnarfjörður Theatre / “Candide” by Voltaire.
- 1995 Hafnarfjörður Theatre / “Heaven” by Árni Ibsen.
1995 The National Theatre / “Kardemommubærinn” by Tobjörn Egner. - 1994 The National Theatre / “West Side Story” by L. Bernstein.
1994 Flugfélagið Loftur / “Hair” – in Barcelona. - 1993 The Icelandic Opera – Flugfélagið Loftur / “Hair” – the musical.
- 1992 The Icelandic School of Drama / “Clara S” by Elfriede Jelinek.
The Sea – The National Theater
Normality is the new Avant-Garden – Kópavogur Art Museum
Faraway Land – The National Theater
Journey – Privat exhibition – Reykjanesbær Art Museum
Like so many of Finnur Arnar ́s video pieces Journey uses double images to underscore a conceptual whole. Fragments, shown in a loop, feature a walking man dragging along a fisherman`s gaff; another set of fragments are taken up with a man slowly revolving around himself, he ́s clearly the artist. Untouchable money floats in mid air. Fingers beat out a rhythm on a table; all around there are the ragged remains of Christmas past. The artist puts together a set of open-ended symbols. He pulls us, the viewers, into the centre of the piece; much like the revolving man we are placed between images, having to turn this way and that to look at them. What is he thinking, the man who revolves in the whirlwind of money or in the the detritus of a Christmas extravaganza, or the man who waits, drumming with his fingers on a table? Or the fisherman on his neverending journey, holding on to his gaff?
Journey poses questions of some urgency, centering on our humanity. They have to do with the meaning of our lives, our values and our pursuit of happiness. There are no answers to them except the ones we discover within ourselves and these answers may be subject to change. Through its conceptual scale and weighty presence, as well as through its insistent rhythm, Journey is a powerful work. Where is this journey taking us?
Ragna Sigurðardóttir
Ingólfur Arnarsson – Untitled ( light ) 2014
Ragnar Kjartansson – Bjarni Bömmer listens to Take it Easy by the Eagles.
Ragnar Kjartansson draws on the entire arc of art in his performative practice. The history of film, music, theatre, visual culture and literature find their way into his video installations, durational performances, drawing and painting. Pretending and staging become key tools in the artist’s attempt to convey sincere emotion and offer a genuine experience to the audience.
Kjartansson’s work has been exhibited widely. Recent solo exhibitions and performances have been held at the New Museum, ICA Boston, Guggenheim Bilbao, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, the Carnegie Museum of Art, and PS1 MoMA. In 2011, he was the recipient of Performa’s 2011 Malcolm McLaren Award for his performance ‘Bliss’. In 2009, Kjartansson represented Iceland at the Venice Biennale, and in 2013 his work was featured at the Biennale’s main exhibition, The Encyclopedic Palace. Kjartansson was born in 1976 in Reykjavík and studied at the Iceland Academy of the Arts and The Royal Academy, Stockholm.
Kristján Guðmundsson – Exhibition Seconds
This work consists of a computer software showing the exact duration of the exhibition on a screen from the time it is opened on 4th of September at 20.00 until its over at 20.00 on the 4th of October 2014 – exactly 2,592,000 seconds. The countdown in seconds continues until the end of the exhibition when the screen shows the number zero. In this way time is structured and made tangible because it is contained in advance. The countdown brings us not to the beginning of an event, but to it´s finality.